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Jump Suit Group's Triple Bottom Line

by Scott Smith on Jun 1, 2015 1:24:00 PM


Did you know that you have something in common with everyone else who reads this blog?

For every action, there is a reaction

We all live on the same marble spinning through space – it is our shared home and we need to work together to make it a better place. Our lifestyle choices have impacts far beyond what we can see or feel. We have grown up in a society built by capitalism with the notion that the environment is a small part of the economy.

What if we flipped this and positioned the economy as part of the environment?

Triple Bottom Line Jump Suit Group


Here at Jump Suit Group, we do things differently. I am pleased to introduce our Triple Bottom Line accounting framework. Our success will not just be defined by profits, rather the positive impact we have on our community. We will incorporate and track three dimensions of performance: social, environmental, and financial. Below are three reasons why.


Inbound marketing draws visitors in, rather than using the traditional method of interruption. Inbound earns the attention of people, makes your brand easily accessible to those who want it, and draws customers in with strategic and creative content.

Jump Suit Group revolves around people. From the those we hire to the ones we serve, our goal is to make sure everyone is treated with the utmost respect as well as given all the opportunities needed to succeed. 

Creating an awesome culture is the foundation for attracting A+ talent – personal growth is mandatory here at Jump Suit Group and is infused into our brand.

We seek those who are willing to push themselves beyond what they thought possible. Our resources and strategies are here to help you innovate. Those willing to ask the tough questions and challenge the status quo will be the same ones who will be welcomed into the family and help us take Jump Suit Group to the next level.


Interested in volunteering for a local non-profit but can’t afford to take a day off of work to do so? Here at Jump Suit Group, we don’t hold that against you. As a matter of fact, we encourage it. Part of doing your job is to take the initiative to reach out and help the people who need it most!


According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, carbon dioxide levels exceeded 400 parts per million this past March for the first time in human history.


NASA just released a report on the status of the Larsen B Ice Shelf in Antarctica. This glacier is expected to melt completely by 2020. In 1995 the Ice Shelf measured 4,445 square miles. Today it is less than 620 square miles. Glaciers are responsible for controlling the temperature across the world. What happens to the 40% of the world’s population that is living within 60 miles of the coast when these glaciers melt and sea levels flood our homes? Environmental catastrophes like this can be seen across the world. Collapsing fisheries, deforestation, and air pollution are a few more examples of challenges we are faced with today. 


I have been frustrated by one aspect of the free market for as long as I can remember – why is it that I can invest in a barrel of crude oil yet I cannot invest my money in clean air and healthy oceans?


How much are the world’s glaciers worth?


What about our rain forests?


Why can I invest in something that has been decomposing under ground for millions of years yet I can’t put my money towards protecting the resources our world relies on today?


Money and politics do a great job at sweeping these problems under the rug. Out of sight out of mind right? Wrong. We are dedicated to highlighting these problems and helping to create solutions.


We have a lot to offer companies focused on sustainable development – partnering with these organizations will help us leverage our unique skill set and promote their brand's values that will help make our world a better place. If your business has a positive impact on the environment, consider us on your team. Together we will expand your reach and target the customers who believe in your vision.

Jump Suit Group is in the business of innovation. We are on the leading edge of everything we do. As a result, we will soon be announcing our profit sharing plan. We will be investing a portion of our earnings into the non-profits that are fighting relentlessly for a cleaner and greener future.