Social media has changed the way people interact with each other – and with businesses. With consumers spending more time on the Internet and social media than ever before, having a Facebook business page is an important marketing tool for your insurance agency that can help boost your business and maintain customer loyalty.
The Importance of a Facebook Business Page for Your Insurance Agency
Where the Customers Are
Facebook has over 1 billion users and is growing every day. From teenagers getting their first car to grandparents getting ready for retirement, your customer base is on Facebook – and you should be too. A Facebook business page allows you to meet the customers where they are and interact with them regularly in ways you never could before.
Free – and Paid – Advertising
Your Facebook business page acts as free advertisement. You can include contact information, business hours, your website, and whatever other information you want on the main page to allow customers to quickly research your agency. At the same time, you can post content to your page, including informational blog posts and relevant news articles that will show up on the newsfeeds of people who have liked your page. This puts your agency directly into the thoughts of your customers on a daily basis. Due to the nature of social media, their friends will also see posts your fans like, growing your business – for free.
Facebook also offers paid advertising, which allows you to specifically target customers in your geographic area and based on other criteria. Facebook advertising is comparatively inexpensive, making it an excellent marketing tool.
Interact with Your Customers
Every time you post, your customers have the opportunity to “like” or comment on it. These comments allow you to interact directly with customers and potential customers, answering their questions and addressing their concerns. Customers also can post directly to your business page or private message you on Facebook. This gives you the opportunity to help a customer on a one-on-one basis in an easy and stress-free way for the client.
Humanize Your Business
Insurance can often be seen as a dry topic. When you have a Facebook business page, you can use photos and posts to help humanize your agency and your agents, to make clients feel more connected, which in turn can help boost loyalty. Consider posting photos of your agents being involved in community activities and information about themselves to provide a human and personal touch.
Boost Your SEO
The first thing most potential customers do when considering a business is to search for them online. A Facebook business page can help boost your rankings on a search due to search engine optimization techniques. The higher your ranking, the more likely people are to visit your website.
Your Competition is Already There
Social media is extremely popular and more and more businesses are realizing the benefits of having a Facebook business page. Most of the large insurance companies have their own Facebook pages, which can draw consumers to work directly through them rather than with an independent agency. Chances are other small agencies in your area also have pages already. Creating and maintaining a Facebook page is important to keep up with the competition.
At one time having a website was enough to keep a business current, but social media has changed that. With over 1 billion users, Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms, allowing you to easily reach your consumer base, establish more personal connections, and boost your search engine rankings. If your agency doesn’t have a Facebook business page yet, what are you waiting for?