Our bread and butter is Google SEO - more specifically getting your agency ranked on Google for types of coverage you want to sell more of. Moz is the best resource we've found to help master this Mt. Everest of an algorithm, so we figured we'd share it with you!
This is not an exact science - the guys and gals over at moz spend all year testing and determining exactly how Google works. When they aggregate their data, they come up with this chart, which is their best guess at cracking Google's code.
Below is a screen shot of the factors that Google takes into consideration when ranking your website. In short, the better you are at these categories, the better your website will rank. Yes - some of this may be over your head, but the most important thing is that you took the first step towards educating yourself.
This is a screen shot from Moz.com - for the full, in depth article, click here!